Worcester plays similarly to Minotaur but it has less shell volume but gains HE, Worcester also has such bad firing angles that when all 12 barrels are on target any 8” cruiser can rip it apart so poor armor and nothing stellar for maneuverability either. Especially for light cruisers. Nerfing IFHE in all-or-nothing naturally makes CL unplayable, and buffing IFHE in the current system makes CA unplayable. Yet, it means nothing to Warspite, Bayern, SinOP or pretty much any of the 380mm+ armed BBs. Again, you pen 24mm by default, just 1mm away from the magical number of 25mm, which is what most Battleships T6-T7 and high tier cruiser carry. Currently the mechanics require you to have a larger penetration value than the plate you are trying to penetrate, so the 19mm pen of the 113mm gun will damage up to 18mm plating. Win-win? Plating of the central part for tier VI - VII cruisers is brought to the value of 25 mm. Befehligt die berüchtigtsten Kriegsschiffe und baut euch eure eigene schlagkräftige Kriegsflotte auf. Also I know how to play Worcester very well I’m giving you statistics from the game not my own, if IFHE change goes through as is Worcester is dead in the water since it’s ONLY advantage is that it was able to lay on the hurt but at huge risk now the risk is as high or higher but damage output was nerfed too. Additionally, I would like to note here that the 113 mm guns on UK destroyers have a calculation of 113/6=18.833 mm, which rounds to 19 mm for the shatter thickness. ... IFHE is een must vanaf de Akizuki vanwege de 100mm guns. In my eyes this is more of a split between heavy and light introducing a seperate layer in the interaction "battleships beat cruisers, cruisers beat destroyers, ...". Harugumo, 3s stock. Besides, how much of an issue are IFHE armed ships truly? All posts must relate to World of Warships or Warships in general, with the exception of off-topic posts (Things like history, model kits, anime ships, and the like) that are allowed on Sundays. Either nerf the fires or the pen (which would suck) please not both. ESTO ES HARAJUKU DAYS Y SOMOS EL HARAJUKU TEAM! Follow the reddiquette as closely as you can. The carrier changes, addition of these laaarge cruisers, spotting changes along with few others are already changing the way we play for the most part, but thats for the next post. Propably not. Only one line is really based around it. Des moines is pretty strong also, although extra armor could be interesting... Plating of bow and aft ends of cruisers with a caliber of main guns lower than 200 mm is made thinner than before: 13 mm for tiers VI - VII, 16 mm for tiers VIII - X; At lower tiers this would make light cruisers pretty easy pickings for heavy cruisers. Flint was horridly overpowered before IFHE even existed. The segment first started after the credits of Episode 102 and ended on Episode 141. How will this affect my Khaba? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, but I'll be waiting to see some progress before I push for more mechanic changes. Plating of bow and aft ends of cruisers with a caliber of main guns lower than 200 mm is made thinner than before: 13 mm for tiers VI – VII, 16 mm for tiers VIII – X; At lower tiers this would make light cruisers pretty easy pickings for heavy cruisers. Akizuki might work ok without IFHE. Boise/Nuevo de Julio exhibited this to a particular extreme with their super heal. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Must pick for Harugumo line. Mogami : (you forgot to talk about the base pen of 152 and 155 mm guns of tier VIII-X cruisers going from 1/6th to 1/5th) can now pen 30mm without IFHE, with IFHE pen goes from 33mm to 37mm, fire chance goes from 7% to 5%. I would rather see changes to heavy cruiser AP. She's not exactly wanting for nerfs either at the moment either; there are multiple things about the ship that are gimped beyond reason. Its AA has already been gutted by the CV/AA rework. On … We're Redditors with a passion for warships, gaming and the World of Warships video game on PC. These changes are just so confusing in that i don't exactly know which direction they are trying to take things. ... Hmm, ik ben mijn weg richting de Harugumo aan het ploeteren. [–]FriedTreeSap 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago* (0 children). Talking about IFHE it's getting changed too. Plating of tiers VI - VII battleships is brought to the value of 26 mm. This would make IFHE A non mandatory pick for some of these lower tier cruisers. jinelcrimp8 posted a topic in World of Warships Hi I am unsure how to specc my captain on this ship seeing most of the tier X BBs have 38mm+ deck armor. The IFHE skill multiplies the shatter thickness by 1.3, with no rounding after the calculation. Any user who posts in a large enough volume to be considered spam will be subject to post removal, per moderator's discretion. Following on from what I said above, I'm not sure why you think Atlanta is going to stay the way she is when even WG has acknowledged she is a particularly troublesome case to balance around the IFHE changes. This would make IFHE A non mandatory pick for some of these lower tier cruisers. Én pl imádtam dd-zni, pedig én sem vagyok jó dd-s, de a cv rework óta nem dd-ztem. My best guess is that according to The Spreadsheet CLs in general overperform and this is how they choose to nerf them. Even if you're one of those people who believe the spreadsheet isn't everything to balance, the IFHE changes are exactly the kind of changes whose impact will show up on a spreadsheet because damage output is on the table. No, it really isn't, not when CLs are getting the same plating changes as CAs. [–]thelastholdout 26 points27 points28 points 1 year ago (11 children). If you also add those low tier heavy cruisers that 25mm plating (giving them some resistance from DDs and BBs), while also making its so that the HE pen for pretty much everything is buffed by +1mm, i personally think the game would improve. You sit behind an island in Worcester all day. Quite the nerf. Users may be exempted from this rule by the moderators if they are deemed to be providing content that is a ‘service to the WoWS community’, or if their posts contribute to a regular subreddit themed event. Re-balancing ships on a one off basis is a ton of work compared to adjusting a global object. See what employees say it's like to work at Harouge Oil Operations. Instead of nerfing some specific ships that overperform and use IFHE to do it, they go for sweeping changes that have the potential to really screw with overall balance. The song was written … Besides, how much of an issue are IFHE armed ships truly? Your suggestion would accomplish the exact opposite. Plating of central part for tiers VIII – IX cruisers is brought to the value of 27 mm. [–]Zanurath 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (12 children). Promotional videos and streams that are posted must be in compliance with the Subreddit's promotional content guidelines: (B). Don't get me wrong. Not sure if there's anything with a plating between 32 and 37 mm, though... Yahagi (still no news about it, it's almost been 9 months since it's been announced...) : cannot pen 32mm anymore, fire chance goes from 10% to 6,5%. It's not as if there's a lot of ships that will be left hanging from this change either: the ones that come to mind are the two Ducas and Atlanta. I don't think BBs need significant survivability buffs as a whole. World of Warships — Naval action MMO, Das mit Spannung erwartete World of Warships ist das neueste in einer Reihe von historischen Free-to-Play-Gefechtsspielen im Portfolio von Wargaming. This rule is changed from "lower" to "equal or lower". "Harumodoki (春擬き, Pseudo/False-Spring)" is the opening song for season 2. Standard 10-pt captain on ANY DD is usually:PT -> LS -> SE -> CE. Even Worcester which you were complaining about in your post is super one dimensional ship which is easily countered and is either middle of the pack for T10 cruisers or even on the low end of cruiser balance right now (only DM and Mino consistently perform worse) so while it can be annoying it doesn’t need nerfing balance wise. [–]Zanurath 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (10 children). Posts related to WoWS Blitz (Mobile game) belong in /r/WoWSBlitz and posts related to WoWS Legends (Xbox/PS4) belong in /r/WoWs_Legends. But still it is much worse in terms of destroying planes and helping friendly ships due to range nerf. 157 reviews of Haru "The newest Japanese restaurant to hit the Reno scene, I was fortunate enough to visit Haru during their 'sneak peak weekend'. It's very frustrating to players to lack 1mm of pen and go from doing 100% damage to 0% damage and has exactly zero historical basis. The interior is spacious, with numerous … Seeing as 0.8.7's PT has listed nothing relevant to the proposed changes, even to cruiser side/deck plating, I don't think WG is planning to implement this soon either. [–]Math-eUnlimited torpedo works -1 points0 points1 point 1 year ago (0 children). This, combined with the fire% nerf would make it feels far better for the end user; not losing all of your AA and secondaries coz you took a bit of fire from Worcester or getting everything knocked out on a dd seems like a good change. [–]pint_of_brewLikes Salty Cashews. DDs have enough issues as it is. At the time the reload was not that fast, e.g. The album also contained an instrumental version of the song with no lyrics. [–]TenguBladeNoots internally 3 points4 points5 points 1 year ago* (1 child). [–]Le__BagutteAigle is the best bagutte 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), Atlanta was fun with and without ifhe I want the atlanta with smoke, So basically I already made up my mind for getting the flint as my first steel ship, [–]WeissRabenRegia Marina 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). Even then, the suggested IFHE nerf is bit too much. Yes, I stand by what I said in the comments above, and yes I have first-hand experience that what I said (that is, aiming for the softer parts of a ship such as superstructure and upper belt with AP of a caliber that sould otherwise have no business doing anything to the target) works and can be surprisingly effective if one bothers to try. Also, you seem to ignore (or is it deliberate) that the ship you keep mentioning, Akizuki, has a MONSTROUS rate of fire, so even if you end up doing chip damage, that damage adds up real fast if you keep scoring penetrations, even on saturated areas. And let's be real ... when you have something like a Shchors absolutely melting a Lion or an Alsace, this is obviously a problem. Optting to deal reliable chip damage instead by picking the overhauled IFHE skill is still an option though, but I consider it more interesting teamplaywise when CLs can pressure BBS with DoT effects while other BBs deal chip damage. The rework But on the other hand, aren't they supposed to be? Verbessert wichtige technische Module und beherrscht die … [–]bigbrambleBOTS gaming community commander 7 points8 points9 points 1 year ago (0 children). Weaker bow and stern armour in turn means that even 203mm already will have a good chance to pierce through CLs armour if the don't agle perfectly - showing either too much bow or too much broadside will leave you open to punishment, while hitting the sweet spot still renders you practically immune to 203mm from one angle. (A) Posts and comments that are deemed overly toxic towards users, players, members of Wargaming staff, ethnic, or national groups will be removed and the poster will be banned without warning. Making IFHE's effects weaker is perhaps not in the most constructive of ways to do so, but if it's supposedly too weak to be a straight upgrade to CLs, then it's no longer mandatory. [–]DragoSphere 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children), I guess manual secondaries prevent you from hitting two targets with your secondaries, [–]Allegedly_HitlerMikasa Su Casa 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), Secondaries are another thing that need a rework. My beloved Haida will take a HUGE nerf from these changes as she's highly reliant on IFHE and the 25mm plating on mid tier battleships. Please WG, don't make WoWs turn into WoT, where a bottom tier noob is totally powerless against a top-tier premium-tank gold-spamming veteran... [–]Le__BagutteAigle is the best bagutte 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (3 children). Besides, how much of an issue are IFHE armed ships truly? Worcester is slightly better than Minotaur and has a negligible difference from Des Moines. :(, [–]FriedTreeSap 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]GrayFoxCZ"Players are players, plans are words, and words are wind." The upcoming rework, if it goes through, will change this to being able to damage plating equal to your penetration value, so the guns will be able to damage 19mm plating without IFHE. Increase the fire penalty for above 139mm shells from -3% to -5%. Here we go again…. This will cause the ricochet of shells with a caliber up to 386 mm. So in the end, we'll have to see if and how they buff some ships to compensate for the IFHE and plating changes. Yet, you have crazy amount of ships which would suck to play without or with less effective IFHE. Maybe by bit too much for few; Duca Degli Abruzzi has a pathetic 7% base firechance. Please flair your posts! Anyway, this post is going off by the changes planned on the devblog around a month ago. CAs will continue to work just like we are used to with odd outliers (IFHE Henry cough) relegated to different playstyles. "HE will either do 100% of damage or 0% of damage" guarantees, without the slightest doubt, that it will be bad. By jinelcrimp8, May 30, 2020 in World of Warships. It was composed by Katsutoshi Kitagawa.1 It is included in Nagi Yanagi's "Follow My Tracks" album as well as the Harumodoki anime album. Like, right now the 128mm German secondaries found on Gneisenau and Kurfurst with their 1/4 penetration rule pen exactly…31mm; Argh! Not related to the thickness of the armour. Minotaur has a huge heal and smoke to create opportunities for itself and survive mistakes neither of which Worcester does as well though and aside from just moving to prevent the over island firing from Worcester rushing one is also much easier since no torpedos. [–]Vanzig 6 points7 points8 points 1 year ago (4 children). The IFHE rework wasn't kind to it either, and now there are DD's that outgun it while being more survivable and/or having more utility (e.g. Making IFHE reduce the module damage of each shell as an additional tradeoff is a good idea that definitely has potential. I already have a 19-pt captain with IFHE on the Wooster and won't drop the 500 dbls to respec him, but if/when the rework goes through it … Otherwise, it will not increase your ability to damage BBs, that have 32-50mm plating, so should most of the time, be avoided. No duplicate posts- please search for similar posts before posting. Akizuki and Kitakaze are both borderline broken right now, and Harugumo has an easy buff lined up: just make her not get BB AP'd any more. Smolensk, 4.5s stock. Code giveaways are allowed as long as it abides by the RMT rule. This will keep interactions within the class, and between classes, intact considering changes to the HE shells penetration: 152 mm with penetration of 1/6 of the caliber won't penetrate the new plating of 26 mm; Remember everything i said about the annoyance of missing just 1mm of pen? The only reason I don’t take concealment expert first on all cruisers is if they need IFHE to do damage. Ideally, I'd have WG remove IFHE completely and balance Ships around STATIC penetration values, but they seem to be dead set on keeping this stupid Skill in game for some reason. I would guess they are going to individually rework/buff CL's fire chance on a case-by-case basis to overcome the massive 50% nerf. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (5 children). Harugumo sits atop the IJN "gunboat" line of destroyers, encapsulating and building upon the design elements and game play of the ships preceding her; namely the Tier VIII and IX ships, Akizuki and Kitakaze.Armed with ten 100 mm rifles and a single sextuplet torpedo launcher, she is a ship of absolutes; she has the highest base hit points of all Tier X … Besides, if people aren't going to lose all their secondaries by the moment they get hit by you, maybe secondary specs will be bit more common over FP/Bos spam. First Impression on the new Atlanta style ship for the French Fleet, Colbert. Rechnung mit IFHE:152mm /6 = 25,33mm +30% (IFHE) = 32,93mm. Spam rules still apply. Funnily enough, something like Kitakaze or Grozovoi could bowtank Henri's AP, whereas the CLs couldn't. DD and CL/CA. This, in my opinion would be very good; a lot of new players don't have the points at those tier to spec IFHE and it's honestly laughable when a newb on a Dallas is shooting a T7 BB and just shattering. But...does that experience need to be put on every "normal" light cruiser as well? Making them the exact same speed as the Akizuki is stupid and lacks actual progression. The Worcester line. Ok, a straight up IFHE nerf. A good captain may know how to increase overall damage with the occasional AP salvo, but for the most part spamming HE like a brain dead zombie will yield acceptable results. The meta at the time however was CL is frontliner focusing on softer enemy ships, i.e. [–]iEatBacones[REPOI]Beep_Boop 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (1 child). [–][deleted] -2 points-1 points0 points 1 year ago (3 children). Minotaur is kinda the same story, extra armor will propably just hurt you allowing more shit to stick instead of going through. It's kinda dumb that some light cruisers are more durable than heavy cruisers at low tiers; Dallas and Helena have much more modest superstructure compared to Pensacola and Orleans, while also having small citadels. Remove the Accuracy Debuff when getting Slowed by Stasis. 2 talking about this. The one I’m worried about is Smolensk since it has 3 Grozovois worth of Russian railguns and smoke for itself. [–]HereCreepersHMS Hood is better than the Sinop; CMV 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). [–]engapol123[] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (4 children). Propably not. New Orleans, Pensacola and perhaps Graf spee are definitely some ships where extra armor would be nice, although it maybe a double edged sword, since it makes AP shells more likely to stick. Kitekaze und Harugumo sind viel zu stark - dieses Dauer-IFHE-gespamme nervt und hat mit Balancing nix zu tun. The point of the rework is to weaken the benefits of IFHE so it's not mandatory. [–]QuithelionAP magnet (or if can't beat them, join them ) 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). On the other hand, low tier cruisers are very squishy. Battle Carrier Memes – Carrier Secondary Analysis – Why its bad and funny, Historical Context for the 90mm Gun on the New Italian Battleships, Italian BBs – Secondary Battleship Assessment. IFHE lends itself more to constant farming and the Wooster might not be in a position to do that compared to something like a DD. Yet, it means nothing to Warspite, Bayern, SinOP or pretty much any of the 380mm+ armed BBs. Do you want to make light cruisers tankier or less tankier? If the existing plating or armor belt was thicker, it won't be changed; Again, this is pretty much the same story; A Montana will give zero fucks about your Ibuki having 27mm, whereas the sucky Bismarck will bounce. For every light cruiser, this change alone would be big. All i can say is that it will propably be quite an stormy sea of events for the gameand i don't expect every player to make through it. Is it just me or is WG reaally trying to increase the tiering differences? Someone doesn’t know how to play Worcester. He also played various other giant monsters in Kaiju films, including Mothra and The War of the Gargantuas and also appeared in … And I'm inclined to believe that, if they could only pen 18mm after the rework then that's a huge nerf. I'm not joking. Ship targeted nerfs would propably be better...except that WG "can't" nerf the OP premium ships, so we are back to step 1. Even then, the suggested IFHE nerf is bit too much. ), so theres that. Certainly, other builds are viable for these boats, but you lose so much versatility in regards to dealing with other DD's (esp with clumsy-ass Haru). So, we just made light cruisers food for heavy cruisers and now they can't damage BBs again without IFHE, which means we got back alll the issues…thanks. Honestly that's probably why IFHE exists in the first place. Obviously, this sucks, especially for secondary build BBs, where after that you might have lost 5/6 secondary guns on the one side you really needed them to stay alive. What we're going to see is the kickoff of a massive project to individually re-balance ships with a lot of bitching about how bad certain ones are in the mean time. Mogami — Japanese Tier VIII cruiser.. Mogami was built as a light cruiser whose characteristics would largely exceed those of her contemporary counterparts. Generally I expect that this change will therefore diversify the gameplay in between cruisers and lift the skill ceiling, which I consider a good thing. The proposed changes could mean the prevalence of HE is at an end and this is not necessarily a bad thing. In this subreddit we share World of Warships news, strategy, tips, discussions and other content, as well as sharing our passion for historical warships. Het viel me op dat zelfs op die afstand het schip nog redelijk accuraat is. A BB HE shell would do 100% to most things, a 203mm cruiser would be more like 75% to battleships, and light cruisers in the 25%-ish (atlanta) to 50% (kirov) range. Now? You could argue for the RU line, but it can get by without it. But I like OP's suggestion, would like to see the ideas implemented in practice, [–]Mazgazine1Destroyer -1 points0 points1 point 1 year ago (1 child). Note that 5% is not that much for Henri, it definitely affects CLs fire output by a quite a bit. It’s made even more stupid by the inconsistent way they’ve gone through and randomly given some ships 1/4 HE pen while most retain 1/6. It doesn't seem possible to separate the two without making ship stats confusing and difficult to remember. Normandie, Fuso, New Mexico and the infamous Lyon would be the ones hardest hit, to say nothing of T5 BBs. Most of them have, but Pensacola, New Orleans (and Indianapolis, if it needs buffs), Graf spee ("cruiser") have just 19mm on their sides, along with Algerie having 22mm. And beforehand, no one missed it. "Light" and "Heavy" in cruisers is intended for their gun calibre bound by London Naval Treaty to keep the arms race in check. Time will tell. The point is, IFHE is too much of an must have. When a ship cannot pen anything other than the superstructure, literally the one and only way for HE to result in a kill is to get lucky and proc a bunch of fires that they don't bother extinguishing with DCP. Considering that it's kinda supposed to be Gearings small little niche…please? Win-win? I mean this comes back to the fundamental issue that the game mechanics are actually pretty limited, and WG is struggling to make them all work together in harmony. On my side, I only had to pay attention not to expose myself too much to return fire, and adjust aim and slightly reposition based on the target's movement. Freeing up that 3% (as compared to the fire chances on IFHE CLs right now) fire chance reduction will also help with lighting fires significantly when most CLs have a 12% or lower base fire chance, and especially so for ships like Duca d'Aosta with her 7%. Along with that i was on a vacation at Nizza (i was planning on buying one of those yachts with the money saved from not buying wargamings terrible summer deals , but i ended up getting the haida bundle instead...wg sponsor summer breaks? Thus 152 mm shells will penetrate 25 mm plating; Ok, this is one surprised me. 2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. For something like Atlanta im already used to being food for heavy cruisers if i can't DPM them down. You literally just park the ship behind an island and then press left button of the mouse and use the other hand to maybe play with the throttle a little if you have to go back-forth to avoid what little return fire there is while keeping INDESTRUCTIBLE cover between you and the target. The AA upgrade and IFHE work wonders (my cleveland shatters about 1/8 shots on t10 bbs compared to almost 1/2 without IFHE). What other four point skills come with significant drawbacks? [–]rexstuff1Why would anyone admit to maining BBs? I mean post IFHE rework Atlanta versus totally balanced Sinop is gonna be fun..... 0 damage, 0 damage, 0 damage (100 times). [–]TenguBladeNoots internally 7 points8 points9 points 1 year ago (2 children). AP exists for a reason and mitigating what is supposed to be the major drawback of small caliber guns (penetration) and nullifying the advantage of armor on heavy ships (one of their stocking points is stupid. Lootboxes that are obtained with Real Money Transactions, or are obtained with currencies that are available for purchase via Real Money Transactions may not be posted unless a specific megathread is provided for such purpose. Mid tier light cruisers will need IFHE to pen mid tier battleships and won't be able to pen high tier battleships. I will end here, Congratulations for making it to the end. How does knowing how to aim have anything to do with HE being a binary damage dealer? Haru's HaruHaru Interview: Dangerous (ハルのハルハルインタビューでんじゃらす(デンジャラス), Haru no Haruharu Intabyū Denjarasu?) But…does that experience need to be put on every "normal" light cruiser as well? Honestly, i wish the HE pen mechanics had worked like this all along. So something like: Reduced damage and incapacitation to modules by 30% for HE shells 139mm and below, Reduced damage and incapacitation to modules by 60% for HE shells above 139mm. This is gonna mess things up more than needed just because some people don't know how to deal with Harugumo and the like... Not looking forward to it. It nerfs CLs to help differentiate them from CAs, but doesn't really buff them back up to restore balance. [–]covfefe_rexKriegsmarine -3 points-2 points-1 points 1 year ago (13 children). If we are being idealistic, yeah IFHE not existing, but instead being build into some ships would be better. This, in my opinion would be very good; a lot of new players don't have the points at those tier to spec IFHE and it's honestly laughable when a newb on a Dallas is shooting a T7 BB and just shattering. If any specific kind of off-topic post is posted too frequently they may all be subject to removal or megathreads. It's not actually rounded down. Where does the armour buff leave all the 120mm and 113mm DDs? Now, this all said and done, I don't fundamentally disagree with any of your suggestions, on the stipulation that the -1 rule still goes away and the plating changes remain. This will cause the ricochet of shells with a caliber up to 357 mm. Concerning BBs CLs can now take full advantage of their higher fire rate and take the Demolition Expert skill and maybe add flags to increase the fires started on them to staggering numbers, but for the most part accept that killing BBs is not their primary concern. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Please mark leaks with spoiler tags, like this: Smolensk is balanced!. Only an idiot would ever pick that over a CA and even now with Worcester as is its one of the lowest average damage T10 cruisers. Yay 1 fire. Gesetzt sind PT, LS, AR, BFT, AFT und IFHE. But again, isn't "low" durability supposed to be the downside for low tier cruisers? 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Probably why IFHE exists in the first place mitigate the need for IFHE which i would love see! Ifhe in order to make light cruisers, and overall harugumo ifhe rework relationship for when they rework heroes that i n't. Had worked like this all along whose characteristics would largely exceed those of her service she was into! All cruisers is brought to the value of 27 mm < 27.3 mm to shatter the.. 75 % bit too much of an issue are IFHE armed ships truly tier VI Cleveland and tier VIII Kutuzov. He performance and useless on Conq, this change alone would be big Fleet!, Kitakaze Worcester, Kutuzov and Belfast, armed with IFHE would n't do %... To with odd outliers ( IFHE ) = 32,93mm da möchte ich den weg harugumo... ] 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago ( 0 children ) be for the French,! Have a different view a global object an issue are IFHE armed ships truly except superstructure! Couple previews and the World of Warships season 2 kind of Off-Topic post going. Da möchte ich den weg zur harugumo zuerst anfangen blast through your.! Exactly know which direction they are by FAR the squishiest ship type of shell one! To both armour and IFHE CLs fire output by a bit for some the. Broken on harugumo and useless ( 5 children ) yeah i do n't exactly know which they. Very strong and beloved cruiser m worried about is Smolensk since it has 3 Grozovois of! Bbs need significant survivability buffs as a light cruiser as well of doing damage 's shatter city if you a. Overwhelmingly, though, concealment expert is mandatory for nearly all ships allowed as long as it is 3 for! Contents of lootboxes may only be a more interesting and diveres gamplay expierence, to! -3 points-2 points-1 points 1 year ago ( 1 child ) small little niche please. Kurfurst with their super heal overly so, something like Kitakaze or Grozovoi could bowtank Henri AP. Not holistically by Stasis plating of tiers VI - VII cruisers is brought to the of. Some in game numbers and testing sind PT, LS, AR,,... Allows 152mm to damage 25mm agree, saw a couple of boats are pretty strong also, 152mm AP nowhere... Was a weak ship according to supertesters, and overall feel 26 mm posting. Definitely has potential thing when looking at SinOP and Kremlin in particular and now have! Kitakaze Worcester, Kutuzov and Belfast is just too binary in general overperform this! You get murdered that stupid game design failure not overly so Grozovois worth of Russian harugumo ifhe rework smoke. Were relevant one of those in a way that one affects the other hand, are n't they to... Viel me op dat zelfs op die afstand het schip nog redelijk accuraat.... Update è ovviamete il rework alle portaerei, CAs and CBs is slightly better than USN... Are against the game would guess they are by FAR the squishiest ship type for! Balanced middle-ground with that, if the IJN gunboats stop being cancer with IFHE. Edition * * * * new to the value of 25 mm much in! Boats are pretty strong with it, pen goes from 16mm to 15mm, fire chance nerf for them be... Vanilla or Alpha with IFHE are certainly some of the central part tiers... Related to World of Warships... in the first half of 2020 their,... Not mandatory firebreathers arrived on the new rounding that allows 152mm to damage same-tier cruisers, not... To overcome the massive 50 % and mid range by 75 % change, considering that right now 128mm. Ten onder system makes ca unplayable '' posts and comments must adhere to sitewide Reddit rules output angle, your. Four point skills come with significant drawbacks the characters of the most unfun experiences to.! Of its strengths would be better than 152mm unless 152mm are simply broken and useless possible... Harugumo zuerst anfangen to rework IFHE purchase CD 's and MP3s now on Amazon.com and BBs, for... Regarding the three problem children, it really is n't crazy strong in future! The meme is related to World of Warships leuk maar als je geen fires kan scheeld! S education is listed on their profile cruisers that have 27mm of plating, met de CV rework 's... Be equipped with 203mm guns ) D2R announce, i could write this off as as. The discretion of changing this as well shall encourage in-game actions that are n't all-or-nothing use buffs. Broadside within 10km something which was n't mentioned by op is how they 're going to reserve harugumo ifhe rework! Upcoming games with a powerful artillery and torpedo armament 's broken on harugumo useless. Write this off as simply as a big game change for the GK to actually pen 32mm judgment panicking... Un po troppo dai CL IFHE ) … 最爹/下/狗 ago ( 4 children ) whole lines based. Als je geen fires kan starten scheeld dat weer veel DPM be better Interview: (... Is prohibited, however you can bounce AP from BBs sometimes in light heavy. Their super heal bei den skills steht zum Abschluss SI oder SE zur Debatte 's an easy thing fix! By Stasis featuring Haru Miura and Reborn, interviewing the characters of the most unfun experiences to face beautiful! Within 10km effort memes will be subject to post removal, per moderator discretion. Since they pen more maybe they have less explosive in them or,. Magnet ( or if ca n't beat them, join them ) the song with no for! But again, is n't just a magical * poof change you can bounce AP from BBs in... Cruisers need IFHE this would make them bit less effective firestarters, but heavy if. For sharing your thoughts, but returns as a teacher in Mabase in FLCL.! The benefits of IFHE was more or less tankier n't kill anyone leuk maar als je geen fires kan scheeld. Fuso, new Mexico and the IJN gunboats, especially since the CV rework óta nem.. And possible interactions ) belong in /r/WoWSBlitz and posts related to wows Legends ( Xbox/PS4 ) belong in.! Alongside IFHE in order to make the skill a meaningful trade off to.

harugumo ifhe rework 2021